Moyer Farms is a small family owned farm in Richmond, Missouri. We have been growing veggies and 100% grass fed beef since 2011. We specialize in various hydroponic lettuces and herbs including butterhead, leaf lettuce, romaine, oak leaf, arugula, basil, and cilantro. We also grow sweet corn, tomatoes, and a variety of other vegetables based on what is needed by our customers. Our produce can be purchased from our store and at farmers markets from approximately May through October. We also sell wholesale product year round to community associations, schools, and restaurants in the Kansas City area. Contact us if you would like more info on wholesale options.

In order to protect ourselves from the unpredictability of Mother Nature, we have transitioned from raising high volumes of produce outside on several acres to growing lower volumes of vegetables under the protection of high tunnels and greenhouses. Our focus is on maximum quality on fewer acres. We use sustainable farming practices and do our best to minimize chemical use.
60’ x 100’ climate controlled barn with a 20’ x 60’ cooler
Use solar for our energy source
Use Holganix microbes to improve the health of our soil
Follow sustainable crop rotation practices
Minimize chemical use as much as possible
Follow FSMA practices